Monday, June 1, 2009

The Plot

Hello, I'm Drew! I've decided to finally set up my own official blog. I'm 19 years old and graduated from high school. I don't really know how to describe myself, but I'll try.

I'm a massive geek, and I don't use that in a derogatory way. I love video games, computer games, paper games, board games. (well, most board games). I thoroughly enjoy Dungeons and Dragons, and 'violent' games.

I feel that I am also an endangered species, not just the fact that I have blonde hair, but also the fact that I am indeed a gentleman, I'm one of the last nice guys left on earth, and I take pride in that, and the fact that I live a straight edge life. I have NEVER touched Drugs or Alcohol, and I don't plan to any time soon.

I am a Christian, yep, I believe in God and his plan for us. I'm not one of those crazy people that tries to shove their faith in your face. If you don't want to hear about it, or if you don't believe, I won't bother you. You atheists leave me alone, I leave you alone.

On to other things... lets see...

I love music, music is my emotional drive, and it lets me vent and show how I'm feeling on the inside. If you need to know what's wrong, or why I'm so happy, just listen to what I'm listening to. Along with my love for music is a love for theatre. I would dearly like to join a play, or some other form of entertainment and perhaps become an actor or voice actor.

Like I said, I'm a really friendly, nice person. I would love any comments post on my blog, as long as they are not harassment or spamming.

I look forward to having people read the Ramblings of a Gentleman.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to blogging!

Anonymous said...

I always look forward to reading a friends blog (=

Sheri, RN said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. Hope you enjoy it.

Lee said...

Can't wait to see how your blogging comes out. :)

Wendyburd1 said...

Welcome to Bloggy Land. I am a friend of Lee's, and I see she hasn't killed you so that must mean good things so I will read what you have so far, LOL!